Fashion Show

Fashion Carousel

Fashion is a merry-go-round which many people wish to get in and the beginning of a new year means “time for a new ride”. Come on board, the fashion carousel will spin again soon!

Carousel bag - Streestyle outside Valentino - Paris Fashion Week
Carousel bag photographed during the last Paris Fashion Week outside Valentino

In Italy we say “Epiphany (January 6th) brings all the holidays away” and usually from January 7th the daily working routine re-starts with new energy, good intentions and new goals. This goes for every kind of industry, but especially for the fashion carousel that spins for three monts (January to March) with its swirl of fashion shows, parties and cultural events, moving heaven, earth and millionaire business.

Fashion Carousel

The fashion ride begins with the London men’s fashion week on January 9th, then we move to Italy in Florence for Pitti Uomo (13-16 January) and in Milan (17-20 January) where we can see the best male fashion shows of the season, and in the end the avant-garde style of Paris (21-25 January). Just a few hours break and in Paris begins the dreamy show of Haute Couture (25 to 29 January) and then the Alta Moda in Rome (January 30-February 2), while New York is already in turmoil for the women’s ready-to-wear collections (12-19 February), which in turn will move to London (February 20 to 24), Milan (February 25-March 2) and Paris (March 3 to 11). The fashion carousel wildly spins with its bizarre-but-fundamental components, anticipating and dictating trends, but as always, the choice of respecting or breaking the rules of the game is up to the final consumer.

Carousel bag - Streestyle outside Valentino - Paris Fashion Week
Carousel bag photographed during the last Paris Fashion Week outside Valentino

New year, New VISION

They say “New year, new life”, but actually I’d rather say “new vision” because thinking of the continuous spin of the fashion carousel and the path done so far with The Fashion Commentator, I decided to add a new type of contents to my blog.  From now on, next to my critical analysis on contemporary fashion and the focus on fashion shows or exhibitions, you will find shorter articles including practical guides; selections of unpublished photos taken during fashion shows and events; shopping tips; book reviews and also a little bit more of talent-scouting activity.

I think and hope that these little changes can give an alternative and more complete vision of the fashion carousel, filtered by my personal taste and longtime experience. Come along with me and enjoy your ride!

Alessandro Masetti – The Fashion Commentator

Italian architect into fashion. Art curator in love with books, flea markets and interior design.

8 Comments on “Fashion Carousel

    1. Tutte le volte che ci penso mi viene da ridere, anche perché per fare i reportage e osservare seriamente i cambiamenti della moda (non i semplici trend) c’è bisogno di aspettare che si concludano tutte le fw e poi fare un confronto. Campa cavallo, 3 mesi sono davvero tantissimi!!!
      Buon anno anche a te Matteo! 😉

  1. Bisogna sempre rinnovarsi e migliorarsi, solo gli stolti rimangono fermi!
    Eh si, la moda non si ferma mai e questo è l’inizio di uno dei momenti più frenetici dell’anno per gli addetti al settore!
    Ti auguro che questo 2015 sia l’anno in cui potrai realizzare tutto ciò per cui lavori con tanta costanza ed impegno!
    Sono curiosa di leggere i tuoi How To..bisogno di una modella per qualche tutorial?!?!? 😉




    1. Cami, nessun tutorial del genere, saranno delle vere e proprie guide pratiche con suggerimenti mirati anche per colleghi e persone che viaggiano e vogliono scoprire il lato fashion delle città, ma con un occhio al portafogli. 😉
      Non male no?
      Buon anno anche a te con l’augurio di riuscire a realizzare tutto ciò che desideri e sentirti finalmente libera!

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