
Beauty – Jean Louis David’s Spirit – Spring Summer 2013 trends

My Facebook and Twitter followers, surely know that on March 17th I went to the ObiHall theater in Florence, to attended the Jean Louis David’s Spirit Show, one of the most long-awaited seasonal events by all the Italian Jean Louis David hairstylists, during which the JLD trainers presented the new collections and trends concerning the hairstyling.
Jean Louis David Spirit - Spring Summer 2013

I have to admit that the real-time social networking session was very challenging because on stage there was an energetic show with cool loud music and it was impossible to stay calm. On the stage the Jean Louis David professional trainers seemed to give life to a challenge to interpret the Spring Summer 2013 trends under the eye of the cameramen, ready to zoom on the techniques and details, while the audience applaused and shouted all the time long to support their “trainer heroes.” The Jean Louis David team showed four haistyle mood and trends for the Spring Summer 2013:
curly or kept with a braid
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico  
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico  Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico  Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico
voluminous and curly hair as in a Tamara De Lempicka’s painting.

Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico  
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico  Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico  
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico  
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico  
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood romantico
extra volume or wet-effect for the night
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood dinamico   Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood dinamico   
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood dinamico   Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood dinamico
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood rock 
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood rock 
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood rock 
Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood rock Jean Louis David Primavera estate 2013 - mood rock
Between the several presentations there have been also break-dance choreographies and singing live performances, which spread excitement and energy to the entire JLD group, just as Roberto Corani and his daughter Serena (master franchisor of Jean Louis David Italy) did with their speech at the end of the show. There was a great sense of “belonging to a family” in the air, especially if I think to the audience who enthusiastically supported the various trainers during their hairstyling sessions.

Roberto and Serena Corani
Roberto and Serena Corani on the stage for the grand final speech
Gran finale 
At the end of the show we (bloggers) talked with Serena Corani and the JLD trainer Tiziano Rossi who explained us the general trends seen on stage. Spring Summer 2013 it’s all about mid-length and long styles with layered, but not thinned, cuts, and interesting “optical” volumes thanks to new JLD color techniques such as:
Light Shadows
Vertical shades of colors and dark fringe to highlight the eyes.

Contrast Extreme
Dedicated to blond hair, working on more shades of blonde.

It allows to layer the nuances, with an iridescent effect which gives depth to the cut.

I did not miss the chance to ask how develop the hair styling trends that we see on the catalogs when we are by our trusted hairdresser. The answer was very simple: for each collection the eyes are fix on the international catwalks of New York, London, Milan and Paris. Then every JLD trainer makes a sort of mood board by placing all the inspirations and influences also from the world of architecture and design, and then he develops the seasonal cuts focusing on what women want and could really wear according to their daily needs. This led me to reflect on the fashion shows and to the styling job beyond the combination of clothes and accessories.
Finally, the evening continued at the Otel Varietè where we had a great time enjoying the dinner with cabaret show and then dancing on the dancefloor with the JLD crew.
Here we are from left to right: Alessandra, Lidia, io, Veronica, Caterina, Camilla and Valentina.
Alessandro Masetti – The Fashion Commentator
Very special thanks to Jean Louis David team, especially to Enrica (JLD Digital PR)

Italian architect into fashion. Art curator in love with books, flea markets and interior design.

18 Comments on “Beauty – Jean Louis David’s Spirit – Spring Summer 2013 trends

  1. Un vero e proprio show!
    Questo sì che mi è piaciuto..non sembrava la brutta copia di uno famoso (ogni riferimento a fashion show è puramente casuale).
    Tra i 4 mood, i miei preferiti sono sensual e rock, davvero grintoso!
    Mi piace anche il fatto che JLD consigli di non sfilare e mantenere la materia: io di materia ne ho tanta e sono curiosa di provare le proposte di quest’anno, specie Limelight!
    Un bel riassunto della serata ale, grazie!

    baci G.
    BLOG: In Moda Veritas | Facebook | Bloglovin’

  2. Ale, sono completamente fusa.
    Ho visto su Facebook l’immagine che rimandava al post sulla casa di Carrie Bradshaw e l’ho commentato senza accorgermi che era del 2010. Comunque quello che dicevo in quel commento è valido.
    Deve essere stata un’esperienza divertente questa di Jean Louis David. Bello il primo taglio. Io sono un’eterna insoddisfatta in fatto di parrucchieri.


  3. ciao Alessandro,

    quale migliore occasione per farti un po’ di shatus (non so come si scrive ) e cominciare a postare qualche tua foto , magari con la gambetta alzata , proprio come “un vero blogger” ….. sai botta di clik ! così quelle di Grazia si pentono e si mangiano le mani fino ai gomiti !


  4. Comunque il vino rosso della cena era buono 😛
    Grazie mille della compagnia, gli show Jean Louis David sono sempre splendidi, per me era il terzo e spero presto in un quarto 😉
    Il live twitting con annessa reflex al collo è uno sport che solo i blogger possono capire!

    Grazie della guida per Firenze un abbraccio


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