From February 1st to June 15th, the Textile Museum of Prato hosts “La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré” an extraordinary monographic exhibition with 27 iconic white shirts made by the fashion designer Gianfranco Ferré from 1982 until 2006, selected by the curator Daniela Degl’Innocenti and the director of the Fondazione Gianfranco Ferré, Rita Airaghi.
Allestimento mostra – La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré |
Allestimento mostra – La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré |
Allestimento mostra – La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré |
Allestimento mostra – La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré |
With only 27 pieces coming from the Gianfranco Ferré Foundation, the visitor is catapulted in the city of Milan between the 80s and 90s, when the Armani-Ferré-Trussardi-Versace quartet launched on the catwalks the vanguards of the Italian style, which still today are a source of inspiration for designers all over the world.
Each white shirt (but please do not call them just shirts!) Is the materialization of the creative process that the architect and fashion designer Ferré conceived as an architectural project, passing from the initial sketches, to the composition of the volumes, then to the study of details and the styling for the catwalk presentation.
Pleats, ruffles, belts, corsets, leather bracelets, lace, precious buttons and decorative applications are part of the poetic of Ferré, who over the time enriched the first minimalist silk structures making more and more complicated white shirts, almost like the evolution of architectural styles ranging from the simple and balanced harmony of the Renaissance, to the excesses of Baroque and Rococo, until the return of the balance with Neoclassicism. This development of shapes and styles identifies Gianfranco Ferré as a “designer of architectural items to wear“, whose constructive nature is revealed through sketches, editorials and the striking photographs by Leonardo Salvini that simulate the x-ray technique highlighting the structure of each garment.
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+1982+.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 1982 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+1982+-+disegno.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 1982 – sketch |
x-ray photo – Leonardo Salvini for La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1982+.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1982 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1982.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1982 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1982.png) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1982 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1982+-+disegno.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1982 – sketch |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+1987+-+fronte.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 1987 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1986.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1986 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1986+-+disegno.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1986 – sketch |
x-ray photo – Leonardo Salvini |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1989.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1989 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1989+-+detail.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1989 |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1989 – sketches
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1990.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1990 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1991.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1991 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+1993+-+fronte.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 1993 – fronte |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+1993+-+retro.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 1993 – retro |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1993.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1993 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1993+-+detail.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1993 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1993+-+disegno.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1993 sketch |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1994+.png) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1994 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1994+-+retro.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1994 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+1995.png) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 1995 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+1995+-+detail.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 1995 |
x-ray photo – Leonardo Salvini |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+1995.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 1995 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+2000.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 2000 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2000+.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2000 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2000+-+detail.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2000 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2000.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2000 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2001.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2001 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2001+-+detail.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2001- detail |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2001.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2001 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2005.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2005 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2005+-+retro.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2005 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2005+-+disegno.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2005 – sketch |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+2002.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 2002 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+2002+-+disegno.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 2002 – sketch |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Precollection+Spring+Summer+2002.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Precollection Spring Summer 2002 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2003+.png) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2003 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2003+-+detail.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2003 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2003.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2003 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2003+-+detail.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2003 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Autumn+Winter+2003+-+detail+.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Autumn Winter 2003 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Spring+Summer+2002.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Spring Summer 2002 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+++.png) |
Gianfranco Ferré |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – detail |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Primavera+Estate+2004.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Primavera Estate 2004 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Primavera+Estate+2004+-+disegno.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Primavera Estate 2004 – sketch |
x-ray photo – Leonardo Salvini |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Primavera+Estate+2006+-+detail.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Primavera Estate 2006 |
+Mostra+Prato+Gianfranco+Ferre%CC%81+-+Primavera+Estate+2006.jpg) |
Gianfranco Ferré – Primavera Estate 2006 |
The exhibition catalog published by Skira is curated by Rita Airaghi under the artistic direction of Luca Stoppini (historical art director of Vogue Italy) who, as he said during the press conference, wanted to photograph and transform Ferré’s shirts in his own dream, according to his own vision and contemporary sensibility even if “It was an easy game to play because the work of Gianfranco is still fashionable and a great inspiration.”
Luca Stoppini for “La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré” catalogue published by Skira |
Luca Stoppini for “La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré” catalogue published by Skira |
Luca Stoppini for “La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré” catalogue published by Skira |
Luca Stoppini for “La camicia bianca secondo me Gianfranco Ferré” catalogue published by Skira |
The Textile Museum of Prato with this exhibition confirm his important role among the best Italian realities dedicated to the fashion culture, mainly due to the sensitivity of the curators towards a protagonist who contributed to the primacy of Italy in the fashion world; unlike the city of Milan, venue of the most representative institutions of Italian fashion, that after seven years from Ferre’s death didn’t do anything yet to remember and celebrate his genius.
Alessandro Masetti – The Fashion Commentator
incantevoli. le foto e le tue descrizioni. ricordo come fosse ieri una delle camicie di Ferrè che ha avuto la mia mamma a meta degli anni Novanta. peccato che in tintoria l’abbiano bucata, e abbiamo dovuto darla via. oggi sarebbe perfetta e puntualissimamente di moda.
Ho sempre ammirato e stimato Ferrè, uno dei più grandi couturier italiani e non. E vado matta per le sue camicie bianche (come per quelle di Cristobal Balenciaga del resto) (e di Alaia). La mostra mi trasmette emozione già dalle tue foto, non mancherò di andarla a vedere!!
Che mostra pazzesca… insomma è come andare ad ammirare non dei semplici abiti ma delle sculture che niente hanno a che vedere con le nostre “mondane ” camicie. Qui parliamo di tessuti complessi che nelle mani dello stilista-architetto sono mutate in arte eterea che è fine a se stessa e nulla ha a che vedere con la dimensione umana del coprirsi.
Un plauso al Museo del Tessuto di Prato per l’iniziativa e complimenti a te per il post dettagliato ed evocativo rivolto anche a quelli che come me non possono godersi questa mostra.
Notes de Mode
Come descrivi tu le cose Ale sono capaci in pochi!
Anche se ho visto con i miei occhi le 27 camicie, il tuo post mi ha emozionata e mi ha fatta entrare in un mondo magico che tu capisci sicuramente meglio di me essendo quasi un architetto!!
Sapevo che mi sarei mangiata le mani a non partecipare… Uffa!!! Purtroppo gli esami non me l’hanno permesso.
Splendide immagini, camice suggestive dalle linee all’avanguardia. Una grande varietà, bellissimo.
Fantastica questa mostra.
La camicia bianca, in quanto capo evergreen, merita un’esibizione del genere.
Meraviglia vedere quante tipologie si possono creare partendo da una base e colore comune!!!
Che mostra pazzesca… super…..
Thanks for sharing this superb exhibition with those of us whom are not able to attend. Because of the beautiful photos, I almost feel as if I was present. This designer was certainly prolific. Excellent blog post.
Che meraviglia!
Io ero e sono follemente innamorata del Gianfranco Ferré anni 80.
Questa mostra deve essere stupenda e tra le tante camicie che hai così magistralmente fotografato non saprei quale scegliere. Forse quella con le cinghie tipo cintura di forza e quella che fine 800 alla Proust. Che spettacolo! Bellissime poi le foto x-ray.
Un motivo in più per venire dalle tue parti. Sempre avanti voi. E su Milano hai proprio ragione.
Tra l’altro io mi sono sempre chiesta perché non esiste qualcosa come il Costume Institute o comunque un posto dove fare delle super mega mostre dedicate alla moda, ma di quelle epocali che attirano gente da ogni dove. Non ci credo che non ci sono soldi.