September is like the new year’s eve of Fashion. As usual everything re-starts: the cycle of the fashion weeks and the rumors about the challenges for the newly elected creative directors who must show to the world (and to themselves) to be still “useful” for the company who hired them. Relaunch Between daily routines and new personal goals, September is the month for getting back in the games soon after a cathartic process; therefore, having reworked new ideas and insights, I came to the conclusion that The Fashion Commentator must evolve. It should become helpful not only to those who…
Summer usually means vacation, leisure and idleness, although we know very well that most of us (especially freelancers) will work, maybe even more than the rest of the year. However, despite this sad reality, when I think about summer I always remember the sea of Southern Italy and my childhood passed between the Amalfi Coast and Cilento, realizing soon after that on August 10th it’s my birthday. You could say: – Aren’t you happy about that? It’s so close now! I would reply: – Of course not!
I don’t believe in horoscope, I’m more a “Man the Maker” kind of guy, but every year I have fun reading my future predictions. In doing so, this time, I let myself be seduced by the images drawn from old Maps of the Sky; which turned out to be the main inspiration for this post of the Moodboard series.
A few months ago, during one of my usual iconographic researches, I discovered the artwork Gymnasts of the USSR (1964-65) by Dmitri Dmitrievich Zhilinskyj, a Russian painter who joined the Soviet art movement called ‘Severe Style‘. This movement was born in the mid ’60s, when the communist utopianism began to decline, and it was mainly featured by the change of the dictates of the Socialist Realism (the only style allowed by the regime), highlighting the suffering of the heroic figures and replacing the glory of the collective work with the introspection of the individual characters. Dmitrij Ţilinskij, Gymnasts of the USSR(1964-65) – Saint…
Sorry, No English translation for this post! Finalmente dopo un mese posso parlare di Fashion in Pfanner, un evento tutto toscano dedicato all’alto artigianato che ha avuto luogo nel cuore di Lucca in concomitanza con le celebrazioni del Settembre Lucchese. Data la peculiarità dell’evento ed il clima di festa e di allegria che si respirava, ho deciso di scrivere un post “speciale”, diverso dal solito, inventando l’Alfabeto di Fashion in Pfanner. A di Amicizia: quella tra Ilaria Mari, ideatrice dell’evento, ed il duo organizzatore a capo di Spin Factory, Claudia Gambacciani e Michela Vagnozzi, che per un lungo week-end…
Here I am just to thank you for your support, your comments and e-mails and especially to wish you a Merry Christmas! ____ Enjoy this special selection of vintage Vogue Covers for the Christmas Issues!
Cloak: long, wide, male and female sleeveless garment, to wear over clothes against the cold. Opened at the front, it can be closed on the neck or wrapped over a shoulder and it may have a hood. Mantello: ampio e lungo indumento maschile e femminile, senza maniche da indossare sopra gli abiti per proteggersi dal freddo. Aperto sul davanti, si chiude sul collo o sopra una spalla, può essere dotato di cappuccio. Historically there are various types distinguished by the shape, the fastening and the length such as : Storicamente ne esistono varie tipologie che si distinguono in base alla…
Jacket: opened garment that covers shoulders and waist, used both in menswear and womenswear. Its structure consisting of an outer fabric, internal canvas to give shape to the garment, shoulder pads, and the silk or synthetic fabric lining. The several models are distinguished according to the cut and to the fabric they are made of. If combined with a pair of trousers of the same fabric, it is called suit. If the pants differ in color or fabric, it is called “spezzato” or simply “jacket and trousers”. In womenswear, when matched with a skirt or long pants of the same…