• New Talents

    New Talents: BAG IN TOWN design competition for EASTPAK

    EASTPAK, urban lifestyle brand, continues to invest on young talents from all around the world inviting them to enter the new design competition “Bag in Town – A bag for 24 hours” with projects that can become real EASTPAK products. The competition, created in collaboration with IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) inside the creativecontexts.com project, explores the relationship between the bag and the urban environment. Encouraging proposals from the world of fashion, design and communication, Bag in Town aims to redefine the aesthetic and functional features of the bag, relying on a clear and simple question: “How can be structured a…

  • When Fashion meets Art

    Souvenir d’Italie: Moschino, Valentino and Frankie Morello

    Many of the Spring Summer 2012 advertising campaigns of the best known Italian brands paid homage to the “Bel Paese”, (poetical phrase which means “Italy”). Several campaigns seem to be inspired by vintage postcard-pictures from the 50’s, the years of the economic boom and Dolce Vita, but in some cases they remain faithful to the poetics of the brand. Molte delle campagne pubblicitarie per le collezioni Primavera Estate 2012 dei marchi italiani più noti hanno scelto di omaggiare il “Bel Paese”, prediligendo un’immagine da cartolina vintage, ispirata agli anni del boom economico e della Dolce Vita o in alcuni casi…

  • Trend report

    Trend Report: Australia Fashion Week #2

    The triumph of white is definitely the second trend seen on the catwalks of the Australian Fashion Week. The white has been generally interpreted on oversized and contemporary silhouettes, with the exception of Bowie Wong, who enriched his haute couture dresses with precious details and embroideries. Il secondo trend che ha spopolato sulle passerelle della Australian Fashion Week è stato sicuramente il trionfo del bianco. Interpretato generalmente con silhouette ampie e contemporanee, con l’unica eccezione di Bowie Wong che arricchisce i suoi abiti lunghi haute couture con dettagli preziosi e ricami. After opening the 2011 Australian Fashion Week with their…

  • Trend report

    Trend Report: Australia Fashion Week #1

    Every season I choose one of the newest (or less known) fashion week from all around the world and I analyze the way of conceiving fashion in that specific place. This week I’ll talk about the new trends from the Austalian Fashion Week. As you know Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere and due to the tilt of Earth’s rotation relative to the Sun and the ecliptic plane, summer is from December to March and winter is from June to September. This is not a geography lesson, but just the reason why I’ll talk about the SPRING SUMMER 2012/2013 fashion…

  • Design

    Design Week: The Chic-est Fuori Salone

    The most chic events of the Fuorisalone during the Milan Design Week were held in the Fashion district, in Via Gesù, by Brioni and Versace. Gli eventi più chic del Fuorisalone di Milano anche quest’anno si sono tenuti nel quadrilatero della moda, più precisamente in Via Gesù da Brioni e Versace. The making of Handmade Wallpaper III  Handmade Wallpaper III – photo:electromode.blogspot.com On the three floors of Brioni Palace, Brioni hosted the Handmade Wallpaper III event, exhibiting a myriad of design objects specially created for Wallpaper magazine. The inaugural event was on the evening of April 17, but I was…

  • Trend report

    Fashion gone green

    Finally, in recent seasons something is really changing in the way of “making fashion”: the green philosophy is the new trend next to the experimentations of high-tech fabrics and the research of unusual shapes. This is a new way of “thinking fashion” not only paying attention to the quality of organic and recycled fabrics, but also to the ethical production, respecting the rights of human beings and creating job opportunities in the third world countries preserving their craftsmanship. Finalmente, nelle ultime stagioni sta davvero cambiando qualcosa nel “modo di fare moda”. Alle sperimentazioni tessili high tech e alla perenne ricerca…

  • Events

    La Prima del Maggio Fiorentino, Der Rosenkavalier

    La sera del 4 Maggio ho avuto l’onore di partecipare alla Prima rappresentazione dell’opera Der Rosenkavalier del 75° Festival del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in veste di commentatore per i canali di social network del Teatro. Per Firenze la “Prima del Maggio” è uno degli appuntamenti più importanti dell’anno, oltre all’inizio del Festival, infatti, corrisponde al periodo in cui la città fiorisce in tutto il suo splendore. Il Der Rosenkavalier di Richard Strauss e Hugo von Hofmannsthal, mancava da Firenze dal 1989 e per questa edizione il grande direttore Zubin Mehta, al suo debutto nel Rosenkavalier, ha collaborato con il regista…

  • When Fashion meets Art

    The Hunger Games – Costumes and sets of the latest American blockbuster

    On April 27, I attended the Italian preview of The Hunger Games, science fiction movie based on the homonym literary trilogy by Suzanne Collins, set in the nation of Panem, in an unidentified future age in which is in force a totalitarian regime. Panem is made up of the rich and luxurious Capitol City, and its twelve poor districts. Every year, as punishment for an attempted rebellion of the districts to the power of Capitol City and to show that even a child can’t be considered superior to the governors, 12 boys and 12 girls aged between 12 and 18 are…

  • Design

    Design Week: I Figli delle Stelle di Fabio Verdelli

    Durante la settimana del Salone del Mobile 2012, lo spazio via Manin 15/A di Milano, si è trasformato in galleria d’arte ospitando la collezione “Figli delle stelle”, 12 pezzi di arredo del designer piacentino Fabio Verdelli, ognuno nato sotto un segno zodiacale. During the Milan Design Week, the via Manin 15/A space has been transformed into an art gallery hosting “Sons of the Stars”, the exhibition made up with 12 works of the designer Fabio Verdelli, inspired by the zodiac signs. A Fabio Verdelli piace alternare la progettazione di prodotti per la grande distribuzione, al disegno di arredi e complementi…

  • Trend report

    Trend Alert: rounded glasses

    Hanno fatto la loro comparsa in molte passerelle del prossimo inverno, ma la “strada” li ha già decretati come il nuovo trend estivo, sono gli occhiali tondi. Tra la miriade di fogge, finiture e materiali il minimo comune denominatore per incorniciare lo sguardo è la forma arrotondata delle lenti. Attenzione però, non si addicono a tutti i tipi di volto, sono infatti consigliati per coloro che hanno mascella importante, una fronte alta e pronunciata e zigomi larghi (i cosiddetti volti quadrati), oppure con fronte e mascelle strette e gli zigomi ravvicinati (i cosiddetti volti rettangolari). Grazie agli occhiali tondi sarà…